Create your new Account
(Fields marked in Red are mandatory)
Account Information:
Please choose your user name (No special characters)
Password (Should be atleast 6 characters. Do not use valuable password as it will be occasionally emailed to you in cleartext, upon request.)
Password reconfirmation
Contact Information:
First Name
Last Name
Company Name
Zip Code
Mobile Phone
Primary Email Address
Secondary Email ID
What search words did you use to find us (or) referrer name?
Machinery, Digitizing & Vectorizing Information:
Machine Type and No. of heads  (Ex: Tajima, Barudan, ZSK, Happy, or "I subcontract out my embroidery work")  
Default Digitized file format (Ex: DST)
Default Vectorized file format (Ex: CDR V10)
Special Requirements and Needs:
(Eg: Less trimming for all designs)
What are the most importants issue that you would like to solve, by utilizing our high quality service?
License Agreement:
I agree to the Terms of Service: